Huerta Construction
Remodeling & Cleaning LLC
Carmelo Huerta 913-827-2718
Maria T. Vazques 913-827-2717
Every project starts with Planning. In order to be able to build a residential structure, we have to make a plan, the depth of the footing, according to the structure that will be set on top of, once green light is on, we can start with the process of excavation and clearing all obstacles in our way to proceed with our project. Then comes setting metal platforms for the footing, pour out the concrete, once is done pour out tar all the way around the foundation exterior, proceed to cover with dirt, inside and outside ( depending if is a basement or crawl space to be placed), and after that comes framing. Steel Beams to support, wood beams for the flooring, walls, and all the spaces according to the plan, decking, and insulating and decking the exterior.